Originally created with Maya 2019. From release 2.70 and onwards, I've decided that I will no longer support version of Maya older than 2022. You can still download any release prior to this one if you want to use it with a version older than that.
Hi! Thank you very much for buying this tool.
Please don't share it around for free and if you encounter any bug or you think that something could be improved/changed, feel free to let me know on my thread on polycount: GN ZBrush/Maya Import/Export Tool
Or you can contact me directly on ArtStation.
Also, I would really appreciate if you could leave me a rating and/or a review on the ArtStation store.
Pixologic: C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush <version>\ZStartup\ZPlugs64
Maxon: C:\Program Files\Maxon ZBrush <version>\ZStartup\ZPlugs64
If installed correctly, a new SubPalette called "GN Import/Export" should appear in your ZPlugin menu, where you will find all the necessary buttons and options to import & export your objects.
If you didn't install the menu or if you prefer, you can also just use the commands below in the MEL command line or script editor:
source "GN_ImportExport/GN_ImportExport.mel"; GN_ImportExport;
source "GN_ImportExport/GN_ImportExport.mel"; GN_Import;
source "GN_ImportExport/GN_ImportExport.mel"; GN_ImportOptions;
source "GN_ImportExport/GN_ImportExport.mel"; GN_Export;
source "GN_ImportExport/GN_ImportExport.mel"; GN_ExportOptions;
source "GN_ImportExport/GN_ImportExport.mel"; GN_ImportExportCleanup;
For a quick overview of this tool, check out my video demonstration on Vimeo:
File type:
File type:
Delete all files exported by plugin on disk.